So I had a blog by this same title, only I can't access it anymore thanks to switching my school email account. While it is unfortunate that I can't write over there anymore, this is just as good. Now I can't promise I will get the chance to write much with my crazy schedule, but I hope to post something at least once a week. As for what I will write about, it can be anything. I have been known to post about my past vacations, ramble on about things currently happening in my life, or reflect back on my past and the people in my life. If any of that interests you, then feel free to read. I hope whatever I do write makes you reflect on your own experiences and maybe even influences a change. Anyway, I will stop rambling now. I plan to leave you with an inspirational quote every time so here is today's.
"The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one." ~Elbert Hubbard